How is it possible that flying is cheaper than a railway ticket? A plane needs a crew of 6-16 people, technicians, very frequent technical chekups, airports, air traffic control and loads of fuel. A train – once the tracks are there – requires much less effort. And nevertheless flying is so cheap. How can that be?
Flying is subsidized. In Germany by an amount that corresponds to 270 Euro per Person and year. In other words: everyone pays 270 Euro a year to support the destruction of our climate. Including the almost 50% of the population who don’t travel by plane: they also support the cheap Easyjet weekends in Barcelona.
Zum Vergleich mit dem Schienenverkehr: Während etwa die Schweiz als Spitzenreiter im vergangenen Jahr pro Einwohner 378 Euro für die Eisenbahninfrastruktur ausgab, waren es in Deutschland nur 64 Euro.
And almost all other states do the same.
At least there is one nice proposal out there now: the European Union is going to provide Interrail passes to young people.