Petition: Support night trains in Northern Europe!

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To the governments of Sweden and Denmark:

Today’s air travel affect the climate as much as car traffic and emissions continue to increase. But more and more people want to travel with sustainable alternatives even for longer distances. Night trains, with good opportunities for running on renewable energy, are one of the most realistic alternatives to air travel. Night trains can connect Scandinavia with the rest of Europe, and contribute effectively to reaching the transport sector’s part of the climate goals according to the Paris Agreement.

With the fixed rail connections across Öresund and Stora bælt and with the international locomotives and carriages now available, it would be possible to travel from Stockholm, Oslo or Copenhagen in the evening, and arrive comfortably in Berlin, Paris, Brussels or London the next day.

We therefore request that the governments of both countries press for modern night trains all year round from Sweden, Norway and Denmark to Germany and on to other European countries.

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